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Company Profile

2018 | 12 01

Tieling Tianshi Machinery Co., Ltd. was established in 1997. In 2005, it successfully acquired the state-owned Tieling Chemical Machinery Plant and reorganized its assets.

Development history

2018 | 12 02

In 1997, Tieling Tianshi Machinery Co., Ltd. was established, the main product was rubber flat vulcanizing machine. And the Tianshi brand was quickly expanded to the national market with excellent product quality and reasonable price.

Vulcanizing machine scope

2018 | 12 04

It is suitable for the production and machining of rubber parts such as rubber seals, rubber sheets, rubber tracks, rubber dams, automotive rubber parts, industrial rubber parts and parts, multi-layer moldings, etc.




麻江县| 民和| 寻甸| 肃北| 汾阳市| 岫岩| 贺州市| 邛崃市| 台南市| 鄂托克前旗| 石城县| 航空| 藁城市| 醴陵市| 东台市| 六安市| 浙江省| 上蔡县| 大渡口区| 聂荣县| 嘉兴市| 阆中市| 山东| 汶上县| 镇巴县| 宁国市| 海晏县| 谷城县| 资中县| 五原县| 康定县| 海宁市| 象州县| 墨竹工卡县| 瓦房店市| 日土县| 明星| 赣州市| 永平县| 宁陕县| 历史|